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Vicente Corazon says Hunter alignment equipment achieves efficient results in a short time, much to their clients’ satisfaction.

The team at Guatemala’s Centro de Servicio Automotriz agreed that the Hunter brand was worth researching, says manager Vicente Corazon. What they found was a high degree of “sophistication,” so as a work team “we decided on Hunter for its capacity and cutting-edge technology.”

Vicente values how Hunter equipment saves time, since their customers need “effective and efficient service,” crediting Hunter equipment with “helping us daily to be at our best.”

He also appreciates Hunter’s worldwide support team. “We’re very grateful for all the technical assistance we’ve received since the start of our collaboration,” he says.

Vicente Corazon

General Manager, Centro de Servicio Automotriz, Guatemala



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Nie bez powodu Hunter jest światowym liderem w produkcji sprzętu do serwisu układu jezdnego. Wyjaśniają to wypowiedzi faktycznych użytkowników.

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Cztery precyzyjne kamery mierzą ustawienie każdego koła za pomocą opatentowanych uchwytów QuickGrip® marki Hunter.

Dźwignik nożycowy

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